The Frahm.Space

The Frahm.Space




  • 12 Roasted, Peeled Chiles
  • ALL the monterey jack cheese
  • 6 eggs
  • 3/8 cup flour
  • 3/4 tsp salt

Stuff chiles with cheese. Beat egg whites until peaky, add salt and flour then gently fold in yolks. Coat chiles in batter and fry in oil until golden brown.

The Details:

Bowl of chiles

So you've gone off to Wagner's Farm in Corales New Mexico and now you have a bowl full of beautiful roasted and peeled chiles. That's a good problem to have! Let's make rellenos!

You may elect to make just a touch extra batter just to be sure you don't run out by the last chile.

Anyway, on to the cooking!

Grated cheeese

Grate a BUNCH of cheese. When you have about as much as is pictured here, keep going because it is nowhere near enough.

Slicing a chile

Now make an incision along the side of a chile. Only make the incision as big as you need it to be for the next step. Only practice will tell you how much that is.

Stuffing the chile

Now compress a plug of your grated cheese and slide it into the chile. You may need to do a few plugs before the chile is full.

Stuffed chiles

Do the same for all the rest of your chiles. If you're better at stuffing chiles than I am, the chiles won't have gaping wounds in the their sides; their incisions will be shorter and will fold closed nicely.

Oil in a pan

Get some oil in your handy cast iron pan and get it hot! You'll need about a half-inch of oil (or maybe a touch more). You want that oil not quite smoking hot.

Pouring egg whites in a mixing bowl

Now break your eggs and put the whites in a mixing bowl. Set the yolks aside for later.

Mixing the eggs

Now get those egg whites mixing!

Peaky eggs

You'll actually want to mix the whites until they are just past peaky; it's a bit easier to get the right coating thickness on the chiles that way.

Adding yolks

Gently mix in the flour and salt then fold the yolks in.

Mix the batter up a bit more then check on your oil. You can drop a small dab of batter into the oil. If the oil immediately starts boiling with enthusiasm, it's ready.

Batter coated chile

Coat a chile in batter and lay it out in the oil.

Frying chiles

You can do about two at a time in a pan this size. Let them fry until they are golden-brown on the bottom then flip them.

Lots of rellenos

Once both sides are browned nicely, lay them out on a paper towel-lined cookie sheet. Repeat until you've got a dozen beautiful rellenos laid out on your cookie sheet!

Relleno on a plate

Om nom nom.