The Frahm.Space

The Frahm.Space

Junior Nordic Soup

Junior Nordic Soup


  • 3 polska kielbasa sausages
  • 4-6 carrots, sliced
  • 1 lb green beans
  • 4-5 potatoes, diced
  • 1 quart beef stock
  • 1/2 tbsp. caraway seeds
  • 1 1/2 tsp. nutmeg
  • 1 1/2 tsp. marjoram
  • salt & pepper

Cook in a slow cooker up to 7 hours (3-4 hours on high)

The Details:

Okay, before we get going, let's have a proper tailgate meeting to kick things off:
There are plenty hazards involved in the work we're going to do today so we need to talk about safety. Make a note of the nearest hospital is before you need to get there in a hurry. Also confirm that emergency services can access your work area and note the appropriate emergency phone number. Okay, recent incedents we need to discuss:

Let's stop and review the hazards for the work we're about to do:





Inclement weather

Stay in shelter, wear approprate clothing when exposed to weather.



Keep your distance, try not to agitate or threaten any wildlife.
Use deterrents if necessary.

Sarah drinking coffee

Members of the public (of unknown chemical dispositions)

Always be curtious.
Keep out of the work zone and avoid interaction during work activities.
If individuals are persistently trying to get involved in the work area,
direct them to the foreman.

Broken jar

Glass containers

Be careful when handling glass.
Don't expose glass to sharp impacts
Don't expose glass to temperature extremes.

Heating element

Hot work

Ensure that any hot work is appropriately permitted.
Wear appropiate PPE and establish an exclusion zone.
Be sure to keep any flamables away from the heat zone.

Kitchen knife

Sharp edges

Ensure the correct tools are used for any purpose.
Ensure only properly trained personnel use dangerous tools.

Can opener

Pinch points

Keep hands/fingers out of pinch points.
Wear appropriate PPE.

Dog on floor

Wild tripping hazard

This one is especially dangerous so watch your step.
Keep your work area clear to identify any changes in terrain.
Correct any tripping hazards immediately.

Extension chord and laptop

Electrical hazards

Inspect all cables before use
Do not allow electrical equipment to become wet.

Pandora webpage


There are plenty of these around the work area. Stay alert.
Do not allow yourself to be distracted from the task at hand.
If necessary, stop work to address any outside distractions.

Now that that's out of the way, let's get to work!

Cubed potatoes

Cube the potatoes

Cut green beans

Cut up the green beans

Sliced carrots

Slice up the carrots. We chose colorful ones. Just because.

Sliced sausage

Slice up the sausage

Potatoes in pot

Pour some beef stock in a slow cooker. We used a pot because our slow cooker seems tremendously under-powered. We also used turkey / chicken stock. And added onions. Jani calls this the, "Colorado Orthodox Version".

Adding sausage

Add in everything else you chopped up.


Add in the spices too.

Full pot

Add in some more stock until you've got decent coverage of stock over the ingredients. We actually used closer to two quarts. Don't believe the directions. It's soup. It varies. Let it simmer for a few hours, until the potatoes are nice and soft or until nobody can bear waiting for dinner any longer.

Bowl of soup
